
HTML Email Signature

We provide in-house development service in creating premium quality responsive HTML email signature from the scratch for our local and international established clients based on their requirement. An HTML signature can be defined as the disclosed identity or block of contact information of an email sender visible at the bottom of an email message that may contain email sender's name, photo, designation, business name with logo, phone number, fax number, email address, website address and social media logos with clickable links. It is different from the simple and common plain text contact information. This identity block may have different logos, photos, sizes, colors, shapes, links, lines, dots and other design elements programmed using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Stylesheet). A professional email signature is a good way to expose emailer's personality, trademark, brand symbol and brand name to the readers. It attracts the readers and helps them contact the emailers promptly and easily. Therefore, an emailer would need the best HTML email signature that is properly formatted and self explanatory. It’s not an easy task to program a good HTML email signature for branding because of cross device, operating system and email client compatibility issue. So, an HTML email signature should be developed in a way so that it is rendered properly throughout different devices, operating systems and email clients.

Available Features

Features of our HTML email signature that shall be developed or hand coded from the scratch for our local and international established clients are as following:

  • The email signatures we shall develop from the scratch are W3C valid.
  • Only XHTML 1.0 Transitional client side programming language and inline CSS3 markup language are used.
  • XHTML Transitional 1.0 table and document type based for cross device, operating system and email client compatibility.
  • Responsive. Inline CSS3 is used for responsiveness, cross device, operating system and email client compatibility.
  • The email signatures are cross device like tv, desktop, laptop, tab and mobile compatible.
  • The email signatures are cross operating system like windows, mac, ios and android compatible.
  • Cross email client like outlook, mail, thunderbird, gmail, yahoo, live, aol, yandex, roundcube, squirrelmail, horde and rainloop, etc. compatible.
  • The email signatures may include clickable logo, image, social media icon, call to action button, text and link.
  • Free media assets hosting like logo and image hosting shall be available in applicable case with our package.

Charges & Terms

Our service charge for developing HTML email signature shall depend on design, number of logo, image, social media icon and other content type as addition of every single content requires time, effort and development work. However, we shall make a precise offer after we learn about the client's requirement clearly.


  • Price: USD 30 or equivalent amount in other accepted currencies for 1 HTML email signature.
  • Features: It includes text, non clickable logo, icon and clickable text url and media assets hosting.
  • Discount: Discounted price shall be applicable for 5 or more signatures based on same design.
  • Payment Method: Credit Card, Debit Card, Western Union and bKash are accepted for this service.
  • Required Material: Email signature design, high resolution media assets and content description.


  • Price: USD 40 or equivalent amount in other accepted currencies for 1 HTML email signature.
  • Features: It includes text, non clickable logo, 3 clickable social media icons, text url and media assets hosting.
  • Discount: Discounted price shall be applicable for 5 or more signatures based on same design.
  • Payment Method: Credit Card, Debit Card, Western Union and bKash are accepted for this service.
  • Required Material: Email signature design, high resolution media assets and content description.


  • Price: USD 50 or equivalent amount in other accepted currencies for 1 HTML email signature.
  • Features: It includes text, clickable logo, 5 social media icons, image, text url, button and media assets hosting.
  • Discount: Discounted price shall be applicable for 5 or more signatures based on same design.
  • Payment Method: Credit Card, Debit Card, Western Union and bKash are accepted for this service.
  • Required Material: Email signature design, high resolution media assets and content description.

Development F. A. Q.

Q. Shall the html email signature be responsive?
A. Yes, it is. It shall be developed in a way so that it is rendered properly by all email clients on all devices.

Q. Does the html email signature look tiny on mobile devices?
A. No, it isn't as it shall be responsive. Different wireframes shall be implemented for desktop, tab and mobile views. So, all the contents including texts of the email signature shall be clearly visible in different email clients on different devices.

Q. Shall the html email signature be W3C valid?
A. Yes, the HTML email signature shall be W3C valid.

Q. Can every design be developed as responsive html email signature?
A. Designing a graphic and converting that into html for web browsers has no boundary but HTML email signature isn't rendered by the email clients like the web browsers. This is a known issue. We may suggest our clients some edits in their designs (if necessary) in order to make the HTML email signature perfectly responsive and great for all email clients.

Q. Do we design and create mockup, content and media assets?
A. Usually, as required materials these should be provided by the clients before developing an html email signature but we can design and create mockup, content and media assets ourselves based on clients' guideline for reasonable price.

Q. How shall clients provide the required materials for html email signature development?
A. Clients shall provide / share the required materials for html email signature development via popular cloud storage like Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox and similar cloud storage platforms.

Q. How shall We deliver the source code after html email signature development?
A. We shall provide / share the source code after html email signature development via popular cloud storage like Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox and similar cloud storage platforms.

Q. How long may it take to complete the development process and deliver the completed html email signature?
A. It depends on some factors like type of html email signature, design, media asset requirement, content type, content length. Based on these factors we usually take 1 business day to 3 business days to deliver a completed html email signature.

Q. Do we provide revision option during the development process?
A. Yes, we do provide unlimited revision option during the website development process.

Q. Do we provide free support after delivering the completed html email signature?
A. Yes, we do provide 30 days free support for all our developed html email signature after delivery.


Source code of well developed W3C valid cross device, operating system and email client compatible responsive HTML email signature within 1 business day to 3 business days via popular cloud storage like Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox and similar cloud storage platforms. For bulk development clients shall have to negotiate about delivery lead time.